We have been looking at and reading short stories and novels about worlds that are seen as Utopian (to at least someone in the novel). Write a blog post about your perfect Utopian society.
In the novels and short stories we have read the worlds are Utopian, to some, and to others they are Dystopian. There are some good qualities you want for a Utopian society, but in these novels and short stories they are taken too far. For example the principle of equality. In “Harrison Bergeron” they make everyone equal to each in other in looks and intelligence and they take away people’s individualism. Having equality is good, but taken to the extent that it is taken in “Harrison Bergeron” it isn't.
My perfect Utopian society would be one where everyone is equal and free. People would be equal in rights, not in looks and intelligence. In my perfect society everyone would be free, there would be slavery or anything like it. People would be equal but they would still be unique, they would still be individuals. People wouldn’t be afraid of others judging them and they would be able to be themselves. People who have a sickness -mentally or physically- would be taken care of to the best of our abilities and technology. People wouldn’t starve, children would be able to have a happy childhood and a good education. No one would suffer because they don’t have money or because they are different. The justice system would be fair, there would be no corruption or unfairness in the system or in the government. Everyone would have a fair trial and the death penalty wouldn’t be an option. Any government agency, public schools, orphanages, etc would be well cared for. Every child would have the same opportunities no matter their family background.
My perfect society would be one where everyone is equal, free, and happy, but they wouldn’t all be the same. People would be allowed to be their own selves. People would have rights like the ones we have now -freedom of speech, press, etc. In all the Utopian novels and short stories the societies weren’t really Utopian, they started out as Utopian or the intention was for them to be Utopian, but they ended up being Dystopian. No matter what, a Utopian society would never be possible. I think that some people have to make fun of others to make themselves feel better, and that because of people like that a Utopian society would never work.